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7 years with Kama Productions

  • Client: Kama Productions

  • Year: 2017-2023


LA PITTURESSA by Fabiana Sargentini (doc film, Italy, 2023)
Freestyle section, Rome Film Fest 2023

21 e 23 gennaio 2024, Ranga Shankara Theatre, Bangalore

MARINA CICOGNA – Life and everything else, by Andrea Bettinetti (doc film, Italy/France, 2021)
Rome Film Fest  2021,  Nastri d’Argento, Festival International du film d’Amiens, Filming Italy Los Angeles

ALAIN DANIELOU – Into the labirinth by Riccardo Biadene (doc film, Switzerland/Italy, 2017)
Giornate degli Autori – Venice Days 2019, Arthouse Asia Film Festival 2019, West Side Mountains Doc Fest 2018

IL PRIGIONIERO by Federico Olivetti (short film, Italy, 2019)
Giornate degli Autori – Venice Days 2019

THE SINKING ISLAND, by Sourav Sarangi
(doc film, Italy, India, Greece)
in development

THE SCREAM – Escape from Libya, by Michelangelo Severgnini
(doc film, Italy, Tunisia)
in development